Mar Plast / SMETA Audit Interview Mar Plast

SMETA Audit 2021

Mar Plast S.p.A. periodically receives audits to verify the correctness of the company procedures, with the aim of maintaining high quality standards staying in line with Best Practices used by international customers.

On July 23, 2021 at the company’s headquarters through the use of different methods such as the control of documentation, the verification in the department of the flow of internal information, the feedback of the workers themselves, was completed the SMETA 4 Pillar audit, which is an interview that focuses in particular on some key elements, listed below:

  • Labor Standards
  • Health and Safety
  • Environmental assessment (extended)
  • Business Ethics


SMETA stands for “Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit” and was developed by the Sedex Associate Auditor Group (AAG), through multi-stakeholder consultation, to provide a framework on best practices in order to be able to draft audits and related reports for companies that request them.

The Audit was successful and some points will be the occasion for further improvements, in fact, we intend to keep ourselves constantly updated and adapted to the most advanced standards in the field of ethics and social responsibility.

We would like to thank SMETA’s team of auditors for their scrupulousness and precision, together with the competence and the definitions of ‘good practices’ qualify Mar Plast S.p.A.’s constant commitment to social responsibility, aware of the fact that even a single company can give an important contribution in the complex network of services, companies and people that represent today’s market.


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